Track Your Site Renovations With Supervisor.My
Do you need a great company that can supervise renovations in Malaysia? If so, call SUPERVISOR.MY. No matter how big your renovation project is and what stage you are in, SUPERVISOR.MY can help. Here are just a few ways that SUPERVISOR.MY can help supervise renovations.
Pre Renovation
- Advise on selection, review & appointment of contractor – meeting with your contractor(s)
- Go through the quotation & advise on pricing, specs, materials
- Advise & provide a draft Agreement to be establish with your contractor
- Advise & prepare a project timeline to be followed by the contractor
- Assist to call for quotation or tender – valuation of tenderers
- Value Engineering
- Site Audit
During Renovation
- Site Supervision
- Site meeting with contractor & client – update on progress, issues, solutions, cost & timeline
- Full update to Client on timelines, site progress with pictures
- Check & Monitor on workmanship, materials delivered at site, specs, etc.
- Advice on claims & payments to contractor
Post Renovation
- Prepare full handover documentation with warranties, certifications, etc.
- Prepare non compliance and omission report to be deducted or charged back to contractor
- Prepare a full project closure report with final accounts.
- Handover audit
Visit our website - to know more about how we can advise, supervise and manage your office space renovation. You can also call us at +60329359325 to get in touch with our experts. You may also WhatsApp on +60193665353.
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